
welcome to my little slice of the internet! my name's cygnus. (or just cyg. that works too) this is currently just a way for me to stretch my HTML-ing and CSS-ing muscles, but eventually it'll be my main personal site!
i have a lot of ideas for what i'll share on it that're currently on the sidebar already, but this essentially is going to be my hub for my art and worldbuilding projects, along with just being a place for me to share my thoughts and feelings about things i think are important to me.
for the sake of not burning myself out, updates will probably be pretty slow, but i hope you enjoy the ride as much as i hope to! thank you for viewing!

pssst. this pages is going through an overhaul also while i figure out iframes. be on the lookout for when its finished!

update log

- EVEN MORE SITE OVERHAUL!!!!! i learned how easy iframes are lol.
- FIRST UPDATE TO THE HYDRAVERSE HOMEPAGE WOOO!!! still really really really wip, but i have big things planned for this page specifically.
- HOLY SITE OVERHAUL... took a longass time but regular site updates should happen more often now that ive figured this out <3
- very late but added my about page finally!! go check it out over here!
- added my site button finally! still very wip i think but i enjoy it very much
- placeholder page and links added
- attempt 1 at jquerying sidebar failed... we'll get em' next time
- first update! added the update page!!
- also added base framework for the homepage

my site button! feel free to link it on your site if you want!
other cool sites i enjoy!!